Essays and photographs concerning the origin of the flag of the California Republic, 1946-1951.


Essays and photographs concerning the origin of the flag of the California Republic, 1946-1951.

Two versions of an essay, "The Origin of the Bear Flag," written by Henry Fowler Mallett, typescript; an essay by an unidentified author, "More Light on the Original Bear Flag," typescript; a drawing and a photograph of versions of the Bear Flag; and three photographs and a negative of reproductions of versions of the Flag. The essays concern the identity of the original flag raised at Sonoma in 1846, comparing evidence for origins of flags made by Peter George Storm, William Todd, and John Berrien Montgomery. One version of Mallett's essay, dated Jun 14, 1946, is briefly annotated by A. H. Greenly. The second version, dated Feb. 1, 1949, is also briefly annotated, apparently by Greenly, and is inscribed by Roy B. Gudmundson to Greenly, Jul 31, 1951. Accompanied by photocopies of documents concerning the disposition of the original flag.

9 items.

Related Entities

There are 6 Entities related to this resource.

Todd, William Lewis (person)

Storm, Peter George, 1799-1877. (person)

Montgomery, John Berrien, 1794- (person)

John Berrien Montgomery was a United States naval officer; as commander of the Portsmouth during the Mexican War, he occupied San Francisco and established authority of the United States on the California coast. From the description of Letter : U.S.S. Portsmouth, Yerba Buena, Calif., to Edward Meyer Kern, Fort Sacramento, Calif., 1846 Aug 6. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 78915132 From the description of Letter : U.S.S. Portsmouth, Yerba Buena, Calif., to Edward Meyer Kern, ...

Greenly, Albert Harry, 1881- (person)

Gudmundson, Roy B. (person)

Mallett, Henry Fowler. (person)